Last updated: 2020-08-26

Checks: 6 0

Knit directory: T1D_epitranscriptome/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    analysis/.Rhistory

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  data/m6A.batch.out.RData
    Untracked:  data/m6A.batchGender.out.RData

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/_site.yml

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the R Markdown and HTML files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view them.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 10e1965 scottzijiezhang 2020-08-26 wflow_publish(c(“analysis/Human_betaCell_stim_QQQ.Rmd”, “analysis/NOD_mice_QQQ.Rmd”, “analysis/Stim_human_islets_RNAseq.Rmd”,
html e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09 Build site.
Rmd a9eea4a scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09 wflow_publish(“Stim_human_islets.Rmd”)
html 891acee scottzijiezhang 2020-05-08 Build site.
Rmd 15f22e0 scottzijiezhang 2020-05-08 wflow_publish(“Stim_human_islets.Rmd”)
html 4879465 scottzijiezhang 2020-03-28 Build site.
html fc538cf scottzijiezhang 2020-03-09 Build site.
html cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27 Build site.
Rmd b421904 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27 wflow_publish(“Stim_human_islets.Rmd”)


Preprocessing and alignment

from <- list.files("~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/lane2/")
tmp <- gsub("CHe-SZ-48S-","",from)
tmp <- gsub("FC01-","",tmp)
tmp <- gsub("_001","",tmp)
tmp <- gsub("_S\\d+","",tmp)

repl_ID <- match( gsub("_R[0-9].fastq.gz","",tmp), paste0("T",1:88) )

to <- paste0(
  paste0( c( paste0( rep(1:5, rep(2,5) ), rep(c("","A"), 5) ),
        paste0( rep(6:11, rep(2,6) ), rep(c("","A"), 6) )
        ), ".input"),
  paste0( c( paste0( rep(1:5, rep(2,5) ), rep(c("","A"), 5) ),
        paste0( rep(6:11, rep(2,6) ), rep(c("","A"), 6) )
        ), ".m6A"),
  paste0( paste0( rep(12:21, rep(2,10) ), rep(c("","A"), 10) ),
  paste0( paste0( rep(12:21, rep(2,10) ), rep(c("","A"), 10) ),


from <- list.files("~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/lane1/")
tmp <- gsub("CHe-SZ-48S-","",from)
tmp <- gsub("FC01-","",tmp)
tmp <- gsub("_001","",tmp)
tmp <- gsub("_L002","",tmp)
tmp <- gsub("_S\\d+","",tmp)

repl_ID <- match( gsub("_R[0-9].fastq.gz","",tmp), paste0("T",1:88) ) 

data_name <- c(
  paste0( c( paste0( rep(1:5, rep(2,5) ), rep(c("","A"), 5) ),
        paste0( rep(6:11, rep(2,6) ), rep(c("","A"), 6) )
        ), ".input"),
  paste0( c( paste0( rep(1:5, rep(2,5) ), rep(c("","A"), 5) ),
        paste0( rep(6:11, rep(2,6) ), rep(c("","A"), 6) )
        ), ".m6A"),
  paste0( paste0( rep(12:21, rep(2,10) ), rep(c("","A"), 10) ),
  paste0( paste0( rep(12:21, rep(2,10) ), rep(c("","A"), 10) ),

filePath <- "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/lane1/"

cutadapt <- paste0(" -a AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCAC -A AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGTAGATCTCGGTGGTCGCCGTATCATT -o ",filePath,data_name,".trimmed.1.fastq.gz -p ",filePath,data_name,".trimmed.2.fastq.gz ",filePath,data_name,"_R1.fastq.gz ",filePath,data_name,"_R2.fastq.gz" )
for(i in cutadapt){
  system2(command = "cutadapt", args = i , wait = F)
cutFirstThree <- paste0(" -u -3 -U 3 -m 20 -o ",filePath,data_name,".allTrimmed.1.fastq.gz -p ",filePath,data_name,".allTrimmed.2.fastq.gz ",filePath,data_name,".trimmed.1.fastq.gz ",filePath,data_name,".trimmed.2.fastq.gz" )
for(i in cutFirstThree){
  system2(command = "cutadapt", args = i , wait = F)
file.remove( c(paste0(filePath,data_name,".trimmed.1.fastq.gz"),paste0(filePath,data_name,".trimmed.2.fastq.gz")) )

filePath <- "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/lane2/"
cutadapt <- paste0(" -a AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCAC -A AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGTAGATCTCGGTGGTCGCCGTATCATT -o ",filePath,data_name,".trimmed.1.fastq.gz -p ",filePath,data_name,".trimmed.2.fastq.gz ",filePath,data_name,"_R1.fastq.gz ",filePath,data_name,"_R2.fastq.gz" )
for(i in cutadapt){
  system2(command = "cutadapt", args = i , wait = F)

cutFirstThree <- paste0(" -u -3 -U 3 -m 20 -o ",filePath,data_name,".allTrimmed.1.fastq.gz -p ",filePath,data_name,".allTrimmed.2.fastq.gz ",filePath,data_name,".trimmed.1.fastq.gz ",filePath,data_name,".trimmed.2.fastq.gz" )
for(i in cutFirstThree){
  system2(command = "cutadapt", args = i , wait = F)
file.remove( c(paste0(filePath,data_name,".trimmed.1.fastq.gz"),paste0(filePath,data_name,".trimmed.2.fastq.gz")) )
dir.create( out_dir <- "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/bam_files/" )
dir.create( unalign <- "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/unaligned_reads/" )

filePath1 <- "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/lane1/"
filePath2 <- "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/lane2/"

hisat_align <- paste0(" -x ~/Database/genome/hg38/hg38_UCSC --known-splicesite-infile ~/Database/genome/hg38/hisat2_splice_sites.txt -k 1 --un-conc-gz ",unalign,data_name,".unalign --summary-file ~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/alignment_summary/",data_name,".txt -p 20 --no-discordant -1 ",
                filePath1,data_name,".allTrimmed.1.fastq.gz,",filePath2,data_name,".allTrimmed.1.fastq.gz -2 ",filePath1,data_name,".allTrimmed.2.fastq.gz,",filePath2,data_name,".allTrimmed.2.fastq.gz |samtools view -bS | samtools sort -o ", out_dir,data_name,".bam ")

for(i in hisat_align){
  system2(command = "hisat2", args = i,wait = T )
samplename <- c( paste0( rep(1:21, rep(2,21) ), rep(c("","A"), 21) ), c("T1D_patient1","T1D_patient3") )

allSampleRADAR <- countReads(samplenames = samplename,
                             gtf = "~/Database/genome/hg38/hg38_UCSC.gtf",
                             bamFolder = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/bam_files/",
                             outputDir = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/",
                             modification = "m6A",
                             binSize = 50,
                             paired = TRUE,
                             threads = 20

save(allSampleRADAR, file = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/allSample_RADAR.RData")

Stimulated patient samples

load( "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/allSample_RADAR.RData")

stim_patient_sample <- paste0( rep(1:15, rep(2,15) ), rep(c("","A"), 15) )

stim_patient_RADAR <- select(allSampleRADAR, stim_patient_sample)

stim_patient_RADAR <- normalizeLibrary(stim_patient_RADAR)
stim_patient_RADAR <- adjustExprLevel(stim_patient_RADAR)

variable(stim_patient_RADAR) <- data.frame(stim = rep(c("Ctl","Stim"), 15),
                                           gender = rep(c("F","M","M","M","M","F","M","M","M","M","F","F","M","M","M"),rep(2,15)),
                                           batch = c(rep("A",10),rep("B",12),rep("C",8)),
                                           age = rep(c(62,20,24,45,61,40,52,41,21,51,57,42,57,42,62),rep(2,15))
stim_patient_RADAR <- filterBins(stim_patient_RADAR)
save(stim_patient_RADAR, file = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/stim_patient_RADAR.RData")

Check confounding factors

load( "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/stim_patient_RADAR.RData")

plotPCAfromMatrix(stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered, variable(stim_patient_RADAR)$stim  )+scale_color_discrete(name = "Treatment")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27
plotPCAfromMatrix(stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered, c(rep("A",10),rep("B",12),rep("C",8))  )+scale_color_discrete(name = "Batch")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27
plotPCAfromMatrix(stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered, rep(c("F","M","M","M","M","F","M","M","M","M","F","F","M","M","M"),rep(2,15))  )+scale_color_discrete(name = "Gender")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27
plotPCAfromMatrix(stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered,  rep(c(62,20,24,45,61,40,52,41,21,51,57,42,57,42,62),rep(2,15))  )+scale_color_continuous(name = "Age")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27

PCA analysis showed that m6A-IP batch explained a big proportion of variation.

Regress out batch and check the PCA

X2 <- as.fumeric( c(rep("A",10),rep("B",12),rep("A",8)) )-1 # batch as covariates
X3 <- as.fumeric( c(rep("A",10),rep("A",12),rep("C",8)) )-1 # batch as covariates

registerDoParallel(cores = 20)
m6A.cov.out <- foreach(i = 1:nrow( stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered ), .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
  Y = stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered[i,]
  resi <- residuals( lm(log(Y+1) ~ X2 + X3 ) )
rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
rownames(m6A.cov.out) <- rownames(stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered)
save(m6A.cov.out, file = "~/Rohit_T1D/T1D_epitranscriptome/data/m6A.batch.out.RData")

RADAR::plotPCAfromMatrix(m6A.cov.out,   c(rep("A",10),rep("B",12),rep("C",8)) , loglink = FALSE )+scale_color_discrete(name = "Batch")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27
RADAR::plotPCAfromMatrix(m6A.cov.out,  variable(stim_patient_RADAR)$stim , loglink = FALSE )+scale_color_discrete(name = "Treatment")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27
RADAR::plotPCAfromMatrix(m6A.cov.out,  rep(c("F","M","M","M","M","F","M","M","M","M","F","F","M","M","M"),rep(2,15)) , loglink = FALSE )+scale_color_discrete(name = "Gender")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27
RADAR::plotPCAfromMatrix(m6A.cov.out,   rep(c(62,20,24,45,61,40,52,41,21,51,57,42,57,42,62),rep(2,15)) , loglink = FALSE )+scale_color_continuous(name = "Age")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27

After regressing out batch, gender stand out as an confounding factor. Thus, we further regress out gender.

X2 <- as.fumeric( c(rep("A",10),rep("B",12),rep("A",8)) )-1 # batch as covariates
X3 <- as.fumeric( c(rep("A",10),rep("A",12),rep("C",8)) )-1 # batch as covariates
X4 <- as.fumeric( rep(c("F","M","M","M","M","F","M","M","M","M","F","F","M","M","M"),rep(2,15)) )-1 # gender as covariates

registerDoParallel(cores = 20)
m6A.batchGender.out <- foreach(i = 1:nrow( stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered ), .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
  Y = stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered[i,]
  resi <- residuals( lm(log(Y+1) ~ X2 + X3 + X4 ) )
rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
rownames(m6A.batchGender.out) <- rownames(stim_patient_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered)
save(m6A.batchGender.out, file = "~/Rohit_T1D/T1D_epitranscriptome/data/m6A.batchGender.out.RData")

RADAR::plotPCAfromMatrix(m6A.batchGender.out,  variable(stim_patient_RADAR)$stim , loglink = FALSE )+scale_color_discrete(name = "Treatment")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27
RADAR::plotPCAfromMatrix(m6A.batchGender.out,   rep(c(62,20,24,45,61,40,52,41,21,51,57,42,57,42,62),rep(2,15)) , loglink = FALSE )+scale_color_continuous(name = "Age")

Version Author Date
cd6b7f8 scottzijiezhang 2020-02-27

According to PCA, gender and batch are variables that explained significant proportion of variation. Thus, we include batch and gender as covariates in differential methylated test.

DM tests with RADAR

variable(stim_patient_RADAR) <- data.frame(stim = rep(c("Ctl","Stim"), 15),
                                           gender = as.fumeric( rep(c("F","M","M","M","M","F","M","M","M","M","F","F","M","M","M"),rep(2,15)) )-1 ,
                                           batch1 = as.fumeric( c(rep("A",10),rep("B",12),rep("A",8)) )-1 ,
                                           batch2 = as.fumeric( c(rep("A",10),rep("A",12),rep("C",8)) )-1

stim_patient_RADAR <- diffIP_parallel(stim_patient_RADAR, thread = 20)
stim_patient_RADAR <- reportResult(stim_patient_RADAR, cutoff = 0.1, threads = 20)

save(stim_patient_RADAR, file = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/stim_patient_RADAR.RData")
write.table(results(stim_patient_RADAR), file = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_patient_diffPeaks_FDR0.1.xls", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

Differentially methylated m6A sites at FDR 10% threshold.

stim_patient_result <- results(stim_patient_RADAR)
There are 427 reported differential loci at FDR < 0.1 and logFoldChange > 0.5.
DT::datatable( stim_patient_result , rownames = FALSE )

Distribution of log fold change of significant DM sites

ggplot(stim_patient_result ,aes( x = logFC ) )+geom_histogram(color="black", fill="dark gray",bins = 30)+xlab("Log fold change")+theme_bw() + ylab("Count")+ theme(panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                       panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black",size = 1),axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black",size = 1), axis.text = element_text(size = 22,colour = "black"),axis.text.y = element_text(angle = 0) ,axis.title=element_text(size=22,family = "arial")

Version Author Date
891acee scottzijiezhang 2020-05-08

Spatial distribution of these DM sites

MeRIPtools::plotMetaGeneMulti( list("Hyper-methylated" = stim_patient_result[stim_patient_result$logFC>0,1:12], "Hypo-methylated" = stim_patient_result[stim_patient_result$logFC<0,1:12]), gtf = "~/Database/genome/hg38/hg38_UCSC.gtf" )
[1] "Converting BED12 to GRangesList"
[1] "It may take a few minutes"
[1] "Converting BED12 to GRangesList"
[1] "It may take a few minutes"
[1] "total 58259 transcripts extracted ..."
[1] "total 42543 transcripts left after ambiguity filter ..."
[1] "total 21293 mRNAs left after component length filter ..."
[1] "total 7986 ncRNAs left after ncRNA length filter ..."
[1] "Building Guitar Coordinates. It may take a few minutes ..."
[1] "Guitar Coordinates Built ..."
[1] "Using provided Guitar Coordinates"
[1] "resolving ambiguious features ..."
[1] "no figure saved ..."

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09
891acee scottzijiezhang 2020-05-08
NOTE this function is a wrapper for R package "Guitar".
If you use the metaGene plot in publication, please cite the original reference:
Cui et al 2016 BioMed Research International 
extendPeak <- function(peak, extension = 50){
  peak_extend <- peak
  peak_extend$start <- peak$start-extension
  peak_extend$end <- peak$end+extension
  peak_extend$blockSizes <- unlist( lapply( strsplit(as.character(peak$blockSizes),split = ",") , function(x){
    tmp = as.numeric(x)
    tmp[1] = tmp[1]+extension
    tmp[length(tmp)] = tmp[length(tmp)]+extension
    paste(as.character(tmp),collapse  = ",")
    }  ) )

## extend short peak for 50bp
stim_patient_DMpeak_extend <- extendPeak(stim_patient_result, extension = 15)

## analysis for RADAR detected signifiant bins
write.table(stim_patient_DMpeak_extend[,1:12], file = paste0("~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_patient_diffPeaks_FDR0.1.bed"),sep = "\t",row.names = F,col.names = F,quote = F)
system2(command = "bedtools", args = paste0("getfasta -fi ~/Database/genome/hg38/hg38_UCSC.fa -bed ~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_patient_diffPeaks_FDR0.1.bed -s -split > ~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_patient_diffPeaks_FDR0.1.fa ") )

system2(command = "", args = paste0("~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_patient_diffPeaks_FDR0.1.fa fasta ~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_patient_diffPeaks_FDR0.1_Homer2 -fasta ~/Database/transcriptome/backgroud_peaks/hg38_200bp_randomPeak.fa -len 5,6 -rna -p 20 -S 5 -noknown"),wait = F )
color_motif <- c( "orange", "blue", "red","green" )
for(i in 1:1){
  pwm.m <- t( read.table(paste0("~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_patient_diffPeaks_FDR0.1_Homer2/homerResults/motif",i,".motif"), header = F, comment.char = ">",col.names = c("A","C","G","U")) )
  motif_p <- sapply(1:1, function(x){
   strsplit( as.character( read.table(paste0("~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_patient_diffPeaks_FDR0.1_Homer2/homerResults/motif",x,".motif"),comment.char = "", nrows = 1)[,12]  ), split= ":")[[1]][4] 
  colnames(pwm.m) <- 1:ncol(pwm.m)

  try(logomaker(pwm.m ,type = "EDLogo",colors = color_motif,color_type = "per_row" ,logo_control =  list(pop_name = paste0("m6A motif",i,"  p-value:",motif_p[i])))


Version Author Date
891acee scottzijiezhang 2020-05-08

Note: the motif search result is not very good, but we can still see GAACU motif enriched among DM sites. One major problem here is that too few DM peaks are used for motif search and thus under powered.

Stimulated EndoC samples

load( "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/allSample_RADAR.RData")

stim_EndoC_sample <- paste0( rep(16:21, rep(2,6) ), rep(c("","A"), 6) )

stim_EndoC_RADAR <- select(allSampleRADAR, stim_EndoC_sample)

stim_EndoC_RADAR <- normalizeLibrary(stim_EndoC_RADAR)
stim_EndoC_RADAR <- adjustExprLevel(stim_EndoC_RADAR)

variable(stim_EndoC_RADAR) <- data.frame(stim = rep(c("Ctl","Stim"), 6) )
stim_EndoC_RADAR <- filterBins(stim_EndoC_RADAR)
save(stim_EndoC_RADAR, file = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/stim_EndoC_RADAR.RData")

Check confounding factors

load( "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/stim_EndoC_RADAR.RData")

plotPCAfromMatrix(stim_EndoC_RADAR@ip_adjExpr_filtered, variable(stim_EndoC_RADAR)$stim  )+scale_color_discrete(name = "Treatment")

Version Author Date
fc538cf scottzijiezhang 2020-03-09

Not sure what happened to sample 21 and 20A. PC1 seems to represent some technical variation.

DM test

stim_EndoC_RADAR <- diffIP_parallel(stim_EndoC_RADAR, thread = 20)
stim_EndoC_RADAR <- reportResult(stim_EndoC_RADAR, cutoff = 0.1, threads = 20)

save(stim_EndoC_RADAR, file = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/stim_EndoC_RADAR.RData")
write.table(results(stim_EndoC_RADAR), file = "~/Rohit_T1D/stim_Patient_islets/Stim_EndoC_diffPeaks_FDR0.1.xls", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

Differentially methylated m6A sites at FDR 10% threshold.

stim_EndoC_result <- results(stim_EndoC_RADAR)
There are 14 reported differential loci at FDR < 0.1 and logFoldChange > 0.5.
DT::datatable( stim_EndoC_result , rownames = FALSE )

Check m6A peaks in EP400, KDM2A, KMT2D and SMARCA2


nonStimPatientRadar <- RADAR::select(stim_patient_RADAR, samples = as.character(1:15) )
Inferential test is not inherited because test result changes when samples are subsetted!
Please re-do test.
plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "EP400", libraryType = "opposite", adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("EP400")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09
plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "EP400", libraryType = "opposite", ZoomIn = c(131957920,131965920),adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("EP400 zoom in")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09
plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "EP400", libraryType = "opposite", ZoomIn = c(132028248,132032248),adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("EP400 zoom in")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09

Note in the second zoom in, its just input but no IP coverage. This should correspond to the snoRNA as shown in the ALKBH5 CLIP peak.


plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "KDM2A", libraryType = "opposite", adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("KDM2A")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09
plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "KDM2A", libraryType = "opposite", ZoomIn = c(67180393,67191000),adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("KDM2A zoom in")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09
plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "KDM2A", libraryType = "opposite", ZoomIn = c(67230317,67258079),adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("KDM2A zoom in")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09

There is an intron methylation in KDM2A.


plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "KMT2D", libraryType = "opposite", adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("KMT2D")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09


plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "SMARCA2", libraryType = "opposite", adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("SMARCA2")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09
plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "SMARCA2", libraryType = "opposite", ZoomIn = c(2015219,2050900),adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("SMARCA2 zoom in")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09
plotGeneCov(stim_patient_RADAR, geneName = "SMARCA2", libraryType = "opposite", ZoomIn = c(2157942,2193623),adjustExprLevel = TRUE)+ggtitle("SMARCA2 zoom in")

Version Author Date
e150ef0 scottzijiezhang 2020-06-09

I don’t see peaks in SMARCA2 gene

R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 17.10

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

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 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
 [1] grid      stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils    
 [8] datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] Logolas_1.6.0             ggsci_2.9                
 [3] RADAR_0.2.3               qvalue_2.14.1            
 [5] RcppArmadillo_0.9.400.2.0 Rcpp_1.0.1               
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 [9] doParallel_1.0.14         iterators_1.0.10         
[11] foreach_1.4.4             ggplot2_3.1.1            
[13] Rsamtools_1.34.1          Biostrings_2.50.2        
[15] XVector_0.22.0            GenomicFeatures_1.34.8   
[17] AnnotationDbi_1.44.0      Biobase_2.42.0           
[19] GenomicRanges_1.34.0      GenomeInfoDb_1.18.2      
[21] IRanges_2.16.0            S4Vectors_0.20.1         
[23] BiocGenerics_0.28.0      

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] backports_1.1.4             Hmisc_4.2-0                
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 [79] biomaRt_2.38.0              compiler_3.5.3             
 [81] rstudioapi_0.10             Guitar_1.20.1              
 [83] tibble_2.1.1                geneplotter_1.60.0         
 [85] stringi_1.4.3               lattice_0.20-38            
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[101] codetools_0.2-16            MASS_7.3-51.4              
[103] gtools_3.8.1                assertthat_0.2.1           
[105] SummarizedExperiment_1.12.0 DESeq2_1.22.2              
[107] rprojroot_1.3-2             withr_2.1.2                
[109] pinfsc50_1.1.0              GenomicAlignments_1.18.1   
[111] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.0      mgcv_1.8-28                
[113] hms_0.4.2                   rpart_4.1-13               
[115] tidyr_0.8.3                 rmarkdown_1.12             
[117] git2r_0.25.2                shiny_1.3.2                
[119] gamlss.dist_5.1-3           base64enc_0.1-3