
Epitranscriptome profiling using MeRIP-seq is a powerful technique for in vivo functional studies of reversible RNA modifications. We developed MeRIPtools, a comprehensive tool to process and analyze aligned sequencing data. MeRIPtools also provide a framework to manage data associated with peak-calling, differential methylation analysis in R.

Data structure

Naming convention of input files

Since MeRIP-seq generate a pair of sequencing data – Input and IP, we denote these two libraries by .input or .m6A followed by .bam after sample names. Thus, the RADAR requires a pair of BAM files for each sample named as <samplename>.input.bam + <samplename>.<modification>.bam. The <modification> can be specified in the countRead(... , modification = "<modification>") function.
All BAM files to be processed and analyzed together should be saved in one directory, the path to which needs to be specified in the countRead(bamPath = ".../.../...").

The MeRIP and MeRIP.Peak class

MeRIPtools used the S4 object system to manage the data involved in processing MeRIP-seq data. We defined a class MeRIP that stores the basic informations about a MeRIP-seq experiment (e.g. path to BAM files, read count matrix, gene model used to quantify reads etc.).
We also defined two classes MeRIP.Peak and MeRIP.RADAR that inherits MeRIP class and each stores intermediate data and result involved in two different pipelines. MeRIP.RADAR is designed for peak-calling free differential methylation analysis pipeline as detailed in R package RADAR. MeRIP.Peak is designed for peak-calling based analysis pipeline, as implemented in MeRIPtools. We will focus on MeRIP.Peak class in this manual.

Data slots in MeRIP class:

##         reads       binSize     geneModel           gtf bamPath.input 
##      "matrix"     "numeric" "GRangesList"   "character"   "character" 
##    bamPath.ip   samplenames      geneBins       geneSum           GTF 
##   "character"   "character"  "data.frame"      "matrix"     "GRanges"

reads Numeric matrix data for read count in input and IP library. The columns are sample names and rows are consecutive bins of user defined size (defaul is 50bp).
binSize Interger specifying the bin size used to divide the transcript.
geneModel A GRangesList that stores the gene model that has been filtered for ambiguous chromosome. Each element of the list contains a GRanges object specifying exons of a gene.
gtf The path to the gtf annotation file used to obtain gene model.
bamPath.input The path to input BAM files.
bamPath.IP The path to IP BAM files.
samplenames The prefix used for naming input and IP BAM files (as introduced in naming convention), which specifies the name of a sample.
geneBins Data.frame mapping each consecutive bins to the corresponding gene.
geneSum Numeric matrix data for gene level read count in the input library. This is equivalent to the read count matrix commenly used in RNA-seq differential expression analysis.
GTF The gtf annotation in GRanges format.

Data slots in MeRIP.Peak class:

##      peakCallResult  jointPeak_id_pairs          jointPeaks 
##            "matrix"            "matrix"        "data.frame" 
##        jointPeak_ip     jointPeak_input   norm.jointPeak_ip 
##            "matrix"            "matrix"            "matrix" 
##          sizeFactor             variate   jointPeak_adjExpr 
##        "data.frame"        "data.frame"            "matrix" 
##            test.est         peakCalling jointPeak_threshold 
##            "matrix"         "character"           "numeric" 
##         test.method               reads             binSize 
##         "character"            "matrix"           "numeric" 
##           geneModel                 gtf       bamPath.input 
##       "GRangesList"         "character"         "character" 
##          bamPath.ip         samplenames            geneBins 
##         "character"         "character"        "data.frame" 
##             geneSum                 GTF 
##            "matrix"           "GRanges"

peakCallResult Matrix data of logic data encode whether a bin (row) of a sample (column) is called a peak or not.
jointPeaks For quantitative analysis, we are interested in the union of peaks across experimental groups, thus we define joint peak as requiring a bin to be called a peak in at least of samples. This data.frame stores the joint peak reported at user defined jointPeak_threshold in BED12 format.
test.est Parameter estimation by differential test either by RADARtest (PoissonGamma test), QNB (quad-negative binomial test) or Beta-binomial test.
jointPeak_threshold The threshold used to define joint peak in current MeRIP.Peak object.
test.method The statistical method used to make inferential test.
variate This data.frame store the predictor variable (the first column) used for inferential test and covariates (the rest of columns) to be included.
sizeFactor The estimated size factor for both Input and IP.



This is the very first function in MeRIP-seq data analysis that initianize a MeRIP object. This function takes BAM files of Input/IP library of each samples as input and use given GTF file as gene annotation to divide genes into consecutive bins of user defined size.

  fragmentLength = 150,
  modification = "m6A",
  binSize = 50,
  strandToKeep = "opposite",
  paired = FALSE,
  threads = 1,
  saveOutput = T

Input parameters: The samplenames should be a vector of charaters that are the same as the prefix name of input BAM files. BAM files should be named as <samplename>.input.bam and <samplename>.<modification>.bam.
The gtf shoudl be a (charater) path to the gft annotation file.
The fragmentLength is the average length of RNA fragment. Default is 150bp.
The bamFolder should be a (charater) path to the dirctory where input BAM files are located.
The outputDir denote the path to save the read count result in RDS format.
The modification is a character denoting the mid-name of BAM files for IP sample. Default is “m6A”, where countReads function expect to find <samplenames>.m6A.bam in the bamPath directory.
The binSize is an integer indicating the size of bin to divide the transcript.
The strandToKeep parameter set the strand specificity when counting the reads. Default is “opposite” for reverse-stranded library construction protocol, which is the most common one seen in RNA-seq. “same” denotes the sense-stranded library construction protocol, commonly seen in small RNA library kit. This parameter can also be set to “both” to ignore strand when counting the reads.
The paired is a logic parameter. Default is FALSE for single-end sequencing data. TURE for pair-end sequencing data where fragment length is calculated from the read pair instead of using the user provided parameter.
The threads set the number of threads to use for multi-core processing.
The saveOutput is logic parameter denoting whether read count result should be saved.

This function will return a MeRIP class object that stores the read count in bins for each samples.


callPeakFisher(MeRIP = MeRIP_object,min_counts = 15, peak_cutoff_fdr = 0.05, peak_cutoff_oddRatio = 1, threads = 1)


callPeakBinomial(MeRIP = MeRIP_object,min_counts = 15, peak_cutoff_fdr = 0.05, peak_cutoff_oddRatio = 1, threads = 1)
