Last updated: 2020-03-17

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd c26375b kevinlkx 2020-03-17 wflow_publish(“analysis/m6AQTL_mapping.Rmd”)
html fbf4376 scottzijiezhang 2020-03-17 Build site.
Rmd bb81e9f scottzijiezhang 2020-03-17 wflow_publish(c(“WASP_mapping.Rmd”, “peak_calling.Rmd”, “m6AQTL_mapping.Rmd”, “Analysis_of_m6AQTL.Rmd”, “Annotating_m6AQTL_enrichment.Rmd”,

Preprocess m6A phenotype and extract phenotype PCs

Preprocess m6A phenotype: Extract peak logOR, adjust PC and IP efficiency, perform quantile normalization

## source: m6AQTL_workflowr/code/prepare_fastQTL_input_peak_logOR_adjust.GC.IP_qqnorm_PCs.R

options(scipen=999) ## suppress scientific notations
m6A_version <- "jointPeak_threshold5_MeRIP_HISAT2Map"
num_tasks_per_node <- 10

## standardization and quantile normalization
normalize_phenotype <- function(phenotype.m, zscore_standardize = TRUE, quantile_normalize = TRUE, plot = FALSE){

  colnames_phenotypes <- colnames(phenotype.m)
  phenotype.m <- as.matrix(phenotype.m)

  if(zscore_standardize == T){
    ## Standardize all measurements by gene.
    ## center and scale the phenotype measurements across individuals
    ## by removing the sample mean and dividing by the sample standard deviation.
    ## scale: center and scale the columns of a numeric matrix
    cat("Center and scale standardization ... \n")
    phenotype.m <- t(scale(t(phenotype.m), center = T, scale = T))

      hist(phenotype.m, xlab = paste('z-score'), main = "Distribution after Z-score standardization")

  if(quantile_normalize == T){
    ## Quantile-normalization to fit a standard normal distribution by individual.
    cat("Quantile normalization ... \n")

    # library(preprocessCore) ## for quantile normalization
    # phenotype.m <-, target = qnorm(ppoints(nrow(phenotype.m))))
    phenotype.m <- apply(phenotype.m, 2, function(x) qqnorm(x,$x )

      hist(phenotype.m, main = paste('Distribution after quantile normalization'))
      qqnorm(phenotype.m, main = "After quantile normalization"); qqline(phenotype.m, col = 2)
  colnames(phenotype.m) <- colnames_phenotypes

MeRIPdata <- readRDS(paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/peakcalling/", m6A_version, "/", m6A_version, ".RDS"))
vcf_file <- "/project2/xinhe/m6A/sixtySample_hg19/Imputed.sixty.hg19.chr21.vcf.gz" ## this vcf file was simply used to get sample names

## get peak logOR
cat("get peak logOR ... \n")
peak_logOR_MeRIPdata <- get_peak_logOR(MeRIPdata, vcf_file, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, AdjustGC = TRUE, AdjIPeffi = TRUE, thread = num_tasks_per_node)
saveRDS(peak_logOR_MeRIPdata, paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/peakcalling/", m6A_version, "/", "peak_logOR_MeRIPdata.rds"))

peak_logOR <- peak_logOR_MeRIPdata$logOR
MeRIPdata <- peak_logOR_MeRIPdata$MeRIPdata

## m6APeak_logOR_GC.IP.adjusted with qqnorm
phenotype_name <- "m6APeak_logOR_GC.IP.adjusted_qqnorm"
### normalize phenotypes
cat("Normalize phenotypes...\n")
peak_logOR.m <- as.matrix(peak_logOR[,-c(1:4)])
peak_logOR_normalized.m <- normalize_phenotype(peak_logOR.m, zscore_standardize = T, quantile_normalize = T)
peak_logOR_normalized <- data.frame(peak_logOR[,1:4], peak_logOR_normalized.m, check.names = F)

dir_output <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/peakcalling/", m6A_version, "/", phenotype_name)
dir.create(dir_output, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)

## Compute phenotype PCs
cat("Computing Principal components...\n")
idx_peaks_filtered <- apply(extractIP(MeRIPdata),1,function(x) all(x!=0))
peak_logOR_normalized_filtered.m <- peak_logOR_normalized.m[idx_peaks_filtered, ]
saveRDS(peak_logOR_normalized_filtered.m, paste0(dir_output, "/", phenotype_name, ".filtered_matrix.rds"))

PCs <- prcomp( t( peak_logOR_normalized_filtered.m), center = T, scale = T )$x

dir.create(paste0(dir_output,"/PCs/"), showWarnings = F, recursive = T)

for(PCsToInclude in 1:30){
  PCs_included <- data.frame(ID = paste0("PC", 1:PCsToInclude), t(PCs[, 1:PCsToInclude]), check.names = FALSE)
  write.table(PCs_included, gzfile(paste0(dir_output, "/PCs/", PCsToInclude, "PCs.txt.gz")),
              sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

## Save to fastQTL format, use peak midpoint position
peak_logOR_normalized_sorted <- peak_logOR_normalized
peak_mid <- round((peak_logOR_normalized$start + peak_logOR_normalized$end)/2)
peak_logOR_normalized_sorted$start <- peak_mid - 1
peak_logOR_normalized_sorted$end <- peak_mid

peak_logOR_normalized_sorted$chr <- factor(peak_logOR_normalized_sorted$chr, levels = paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y", "M")))
peak_logOR_normalized_sorted <- peak_logOR_normalized_sorted[with(peak_logOR_normalized_sorted, order(chr, start, end)), ]
colnames(peak_logOR_normalized_sorted)[1] <- paste0("#", colnames(peak_logOR_normalized_sorted)[1])

write.table(peak_logOR_normalized_sorted, paste0(dir_output, "/", phenotype_name, ".fastQTL.txt"),
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

cat(phenotype_name, "results saved at: ", dir_output, "\n")


system(paste("bgzip",  paste0(phenotype_name, ".fastQTL.txt"), "&& tabix -p bed", paste0(phenotype_name, ".fastQTL.txt.gz")))

cat("done. \n")

fastQTL nominal pass

## source: ~/projects/m6A/m6AQTL_workflowr/code/fastQTL_nominal_m6APeak_logOR_PCs.sbatch

## map m6A-QTLs using fastQTL nominal pass

## parameters
thresh_pvalue=1 # keep all results

echo "m6A_version: ${m6A_version}, phenotype: ${PHENOTYPE}, cis window size: ${test_window}, covariate: PCs"


echo "dir_genotype: ${dir_genotype}"
echo "dir_phenotypes: ${dir_phenotypes}"
echo "dir_covariates: ${dir_covariates}"

mkdir -p ${dir_output}

mkdir -p ${dir_log}

for NUM_PC in {0..20}

  for CHR in "chr"{1..22}

    echo "fastQTL for ${PHENOTYPE} in ${CHR} with ${NUM_PC} PCs included."

    if [[ ${NUM_PC} -gt 0 ]]; then
      # include PCs as covariates
      fastQTL --vcf ${dir_genotype}/Imputed.sixty.hg19.${CHR}.vcf.gz \
              --bed ${dir_phenotypes}/${PHENOTYPE}.fastQTL.txt.gz \
              --cov ${dir_covariates}/${NUM_PC}PCs.txt.gz \
              --region ${CHR} \
              --window ${test_window} \
              --threshold ${thresh_pvalue} \
              --out ${dir_output}/fastQTL.nominals.${PHENOTYPE}.${CHR}.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.pvalue${thresh_pvalue}.txt.gz \
              --log ${dir_log}/fastQTL.nominals.${PHENOTYPE}.${CHR}.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.log \

      # No covariates
      fastQTL --vcf ${dir_genotype}/Imputed.sixty.hg19.${CHR}.vcf.gz \
              --bed ${dir_phenotypes}/${PHENOTYPE}.fastQTL.txt.gz \
              --region ${CHR} \
              --window ${test_window} \
              --threshold ${thresh_pvalue} \
              --out ${dir_output}/fastQTL.nominals.${PHENOTYPE}.${CHR}.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.pvalue${thresh_pvalue}.txt.gz \
              --log ${dir_log}/fastQTL.nominals.${PHENOTYPE}.${CHR}.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.log \


  zcat ${dir_output}/fastQTL.nominals.${PHENOTYPE}.chr*.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.pvalue${thresh_pvalue}.txt.gz | gzip -c > \


echo "Done."

echo "fastQTL results at: ${dir_output}"

fastQTL permutation pass

# source: m6AQTL_workflowr/code/fastQTL_permutation_m6APeak_logOR_PCs.sbatch

## map m6A-QTLs using fastQTL permutation pass

## parameters

echo "m6A_version: ${m6A_version}, phenotype: ${PHENOTYPE}, cis window size: ${test_window}, number of permutations: ${num_permutations}, covariate: PCs"


echo "dir_genotype: ${dir_genotype}"
echo "dir_phenotypes: ${dir_phenotypes}"
echo "dir_covariates: ${dir_covariates}"

mkdir -p ${dir_output}

mkdir -p ${dir_log}

for NUM_PC in {0..20}

  for CHR in "chr"{1..22}

    echo "fastQTL for ${PHENOTYPE} in ${CHR} with ${NUM_PC} PCs included."

    if [[ ${NUM_PC} -gt 0 ]]; then
      # include PCs as covariates
      fastQTL --vcf ${dir_genotype}/Imputed.sixty.hg19.${CHR}.vcf.gz \
              --bed ${dir_phenotypes}/${PHENOTYPE}.fastQTL.txt.gz \
              --cov ${dir_covariates}/${NUM_PC}PCs.txt.gz \
              --region ${CHR} \
              --permute ${num_permutations} \
              --window ${test_window} \
              --out ${dir_output}/fastQTL.${num_permutations}permutations.${PHENOTYPE}.${CHR}.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.txt.gz \
              --log ${dir_log}/fastQTL.${num_permutations}permutations.${PHENOTYPE}.${CHR}.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.log \

      # No covariates
      fastQTL --vcf ${dir_genotype}/Imputed.sixty.hg19.${CHR}.vcf.gz \
              --bed ${dir_phenotypes}/${PHENOTYPE}.fastQTL.txt.gz \
              --region ${CHR} \
              --permute ${num_permutations} \
              --window ${test_window} \
              --out ${dir_output}/fastQTL.${num_permutations}permutations.${PHENOTYPE}.${CHR}.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.txt.gz \
              --log ${dir_log}/fastQTL.${num_permutations}permutations.${PHENOTYPE}.${CHR}.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.log \


  zcat ${dir_output}/fastQTL.${num_permutations}permutations.${PHENOTYPE}.chr*.${test_window}bp.${NUM_PC}PCs.txt.gz | gzip -c > \


echo "Done."

echo "fastQTL results at: ${dir_output}"

Process fastQTL summary stats

Extract SNP info

cd /project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/genotypes/hg19/YRI/sixtySample_hg19_201903

for chr in "chr"{1..22} "chrX"
  echo $chr
  bcftools query -f '%CHROM %POS %ID %REF %ALT\n' Imputed.sixty.hg19.${chr}.vcf.gz | gzip > SNP_info/"snp_info_${chr}.txt.gz"

zcat snp_info_chr*.txt.gz | gzip -c > snp_info.txt.gz

Process fastQTL summary stats with PCs, extract peak and SNP location, allele information, beta, SE, t-statistic, pvalue and qvalue

#source: m6AQTL_workflowr/code/process_fastQTL_summarystats.R


# get standard error and t-statitic from linear model output
get_se_summarystats <- function(beta, pvalue, N, num_cvrt = 0){
  cat("Extract summary stats from linear model ... \n")
  # Number of indepedent variables in the model: intercept + genotype + covariates
  P <- 1 + 1 + num_cvrt
  # Calculating the t-statistic
  t_statistic <- abs(qt(pvalue/2, df = N - P)) * sign(beta)
  # Calculating standard error
  se <- beta / t_statistic
  summary_stats <- data.frame(beta = beta, se = se, statistic = t_statistic, pvalue = pvalue)

# extract peak regions
extract_m6Apeak_region <- function(peaks){
  peaks <- as.character(peaks)
  peak_loc <- sapply(strsplit(peaks, "_"), `[`, 1)
  GENE <- sapply(strsplit(peaks, "_"), `[`, 2)
  strand <- sapply(strsplit(peaks, "_"), `[`, 3)
  chr <- gsub(":.+", "", peak_loc)
  peak_range <- gsub(".+:", "", peak_loc)
  peak_start <- as.integer(sapply(strsplit(peak_range, "-"), `[`, 1))
  peak_end <- as.integer(sapply(strsplit(peak_range, "-"), `[`, 2))
  peak_mid <- round((peak_start + peak_end)/2)

  result.df <- data.frame(chr, peak_start, peak_end, peak_mid, strand, GENE)

####### begins here #######
m6A_version <- "jointPeak_threshold5_MeRIP_HISAT2Map"
phenotype_name <- "m6APeak_logOR_GC.IP.adjusted_qqnorm"
num_PCs <- 15
chr_name <- "AllChrs"
num_permutations <- 1000

cat("Load fastQTL results for", m6A_version, "version of m6A reads alignment, phenotype file:", phenotype_name, "in", chr_name, "\n")
cat("Choose the results with", num_PCs, "PCs \n")

dir_fastQTL_nominal <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/results/hg19/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fastQTL_output/", phenotype_name, "/cis_1e5bp/nominal_pass/")
dir_fastQTL_PermPass <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/results/hg19/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fastQTL_output/", phenotype_name, "/cis_1e5bp/permutation_pass/")

dir_output <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/results/hg19/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fastQTL_cis_100kb/", phenotype_name)
dir.create(dir_output, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)
cat("Directory of output:", dir_output, "\n")

## load SNP location
cat("loading SNP location ... \n")
SNP_info <- fread("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/genotypes/hg19/YRI/sixtySample_hg19_201903/SNP_info/snp_info.txt.gz")
colnames(SNP_info) <- c("CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT")
SNP_info$SNP <- paste(SNP_info$CHROM, SNP_info$POS, sep = ":")

## nominal pass                 ##
cat("process results from fastQTL nominal pass ... \n")

filename_fastQTL_nominal <- paste0(dir_fastQTL_nominal, "/fastQTL.nominals.", phenotype_name, ".", chr_name, ".1e5bp.", num_PCs, "PCs.pvalue1.txt.gz")
  stop(filename_fastQTL_nominal, "does not exist! ")
m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- fread(filename_fastQTL_nominal)
colnames(m6AQTLs_nominal.df) <- c("PEAK", "SNPID", "DIST", "pvalue", "beta")

## add SNP info and update DIST
m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- cbind(m6AQTLs_nominal.df, extract_m6Apeak_region(m6AQTLs_nominal.df$PEAK)[,c("chr", "peak_mid", "strand","GENE")])
m6AQTLs_nominal.df$SNP_POS <- m6AQTLs_nominal.df$peak_mid + m6AQTLs_nominal.df$DIST
m6AQTLs_nominal.df$SNP <- paste(m6AQTLs_nominal.df$chr, m6AQTLs_nominal.df$SNP_POS, sep = ":")

SNPinfo_matched.df <- SNP_info[match(m6AQTLs_nominal.df$SNP, SNP_info$SNP), ]
if(!identical(m6AQTLs_nominal.df$SNPID, SNPinfo_matched.df$ID)){stop("SNP ID not match!")}
m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- data.frame(m6AQTLs_nominal.df, REF = SNPinfo_matched.df$REF, ALT = SNPinfo_matched.df$ALT)

m6AQTLs_nominal.df$DIST <- m6AQTLs_nominal.df$SNP_POS - m6AQTLs_nominal.df$peak_mid
m6AQTLs_nominal.df[m6AQTLs_nominal.df$strand == "-", "DIST"] <- - m6AQTLs_nominal.df[m6AQTLs_nominal.df$strand == "-", "DIST"]

cat("extract SE and t-statistic ... \n")
m6AQTLs_nominal_summarystats <- get_se_summarystats(m6AQTLs_nominal.df$beta, m6AQTLs_nominal.df$pvalue, N = 60, num_cvrt = num_PCs)
m6AQTLs_nominal.df$se <- m6AQTLs_nominal_summarystats$se
m6AQTLs_nominal.df$statistic <- m6AQTLs_nominal_summarystats$statistic
m6AQTLs_nominal.df$qvalue <- qvalue(m6AQTLs_nominal.df$pvalue)$qvalues

m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- m6AQTLs_nominal.df[, c("PEAK", "GENE", "SNP", "SNPID", "REF", "ALT", "DIST", "beta", "se", "statistic", "pvalue", "qvalue")]

cat("Save nominal-pass summary stats ... \n")
saveRDS(m6AQTLs_nominal.df, paste0(dir_output, "/m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.rds"))
fwrite(m6AQTLs_nominal.df, paste0(dir_output, "/m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.txt"), sep = "\t")
system(paste0("gzip -f ", dir_output, "/m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.txt"))

## qvalue < 0.1
sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- m6AQTLs_nominal.df[m6AQTLs_nominal.df$qvalue < 0.1, ]
cat(nrow(sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df), "sig m6A-QTLs based on nominal p-values (qvalue < 0.1) \n")
saveRDS(sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df, paste0(dir_output, "/sig.m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.rds"))

lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df[order(sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df$pvalue), ]
lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df[!duplicated(lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df$PEAK), ]
cat(nrow(lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df), "lead m6A-QTLs based on nominal p-values (qvalue < 0.1) \n")
saveRDS(lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df, paste0(dir_output, "/lead.m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.rds"))

## qvalue < 0.2
sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- m6AQTLs_nominal.df[m6AQTLs_nominal.df$qvalue < 0.2, ]
cat(nrow(sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df), "sig m6A-QTLs based on nominal p-values (qvalue < 0.2) \n")
saveRDS(sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df, paste0(dir_output, "/sig.m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.qvalue_0.2.rds"))

lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df[order(sig_m6AQTLs_nominal.df$pvalue), ]
lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df <- lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df[!duplicated(lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df$PEAK), ]
cat(nrow(lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df), "lead m6A-QTLs based on nominal p-values (qvalue < 0.2) \n")
saveRDS(lead_m6AQTLs_nominal.df, paste0(dir_output, "/lead.m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.qvalue_0.2.rds"))

cat("Done. \n")

## permutation pass             ##
cat("process results from fastQTL permutation pass ... \n")

filename_fastQTL_PermPass <- paste0(dir_fastQTL_PermPass, "/fastQTL.", num_permutations, "permutations.", phenotype_name, ".", chr_name, ".1e5bp.", num_PCs, "PCs.txt.gz")
  stop(filename_fastQTL_PermPass, "does not exist! ")
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df <- fread(filename_fastQTL_PermPass)
colnames(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df) <- c("PEAK", "nvar", "shape1", "shape2", "dummy", "SNPID", "DIST", "pvalue", "beta", "ppval", "bpval")

## add SNP info and update DIST
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df <- cbind(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df, extract_m6Apeak_region(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$PEAK)[,c("chr", "peak_mid", "strand","GENE")])
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$SNP_POS <- m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$peak_mid + m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$DIST
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$SNP <- paste(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$chr, m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$SNP_POS, sep = ":")

SNPinfo_matched.df <- SNP_info[match(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$SNP, SNP_info$SNP), ]
if(!identical(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$SNPID, SNPinfo_matched.df$ID)){stop("SNP ID not match!")}
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df <- data.frame(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df, REF = SNPinfo_matched.df$REF, ALT = SNPinfo_matched.df$ALT)

m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$DIST <- m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$SNP_POS - m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$peak_mid
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df[m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$strand == "-", "DIST"] <- - m6AQTLs_PermPass.df[m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$strand == "-", "DIST"]

cat("extract SE and t-statistic ... \n")
m6AQTLs_PermPass_summarystats <- get_se_summarystats(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$beta, m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$pvalue, N = 60, num_cvrt = num_PCs)
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$se <- m6AQTLs_PermPass_summarystats$se
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$statistic <- m6AQTLs_PermPass_summarystats$statistic
m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$qvalue <- qvalue(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$bpval)$qvalues

m6AQTLs_PermPass.df <- m6AQTLs_PermPass.df[, c("PEAK", "GENE", "SNP", "SNPID", "REF", "ALT", "DIST", "beta", "se", "statistic", "pvalue", "ppval", "bpval", "qvalue")]

cat("Save permutation-pass summary stats ... \n")
saveRDS(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df, paste0(dir_output, "/m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.permutations.rds"))
fwrite(m6AQTLs_PermPass.df, paste0(dir_output, "/m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.permutations.txt"), sep = "\t")
system(paste0("gzip -f ", dir_output, "/m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.permutations.txt"))

## qvalue < 0.1
sig_m6AQTLs_PermPass.df <- m6AQTLs_PermPass.df[m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$qvalue < 0.1, ]
cat(nrow(sig_m6AQTLs_PermPass.df), "sig m6A-QTLs based on permutation adjusted p-values (qvalue < 0.1) \n")
saveRDS(sig_m6AQTLs_PermPass.df, paste0(dir_output, "/sig.m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.permutations.rds"))

## qvalue < 0.2
sig_m6AQTLs_PermPass.df <- m6AQTLs_PermPass.df[m6AQTLs_PermPass.df$qvalue < 0.2, ]
cat(nrow(sig_m6AQTLs_PermPass.df), "sig m6A-QTLs based on permutation adjusted p-values (qvalue < 0.2) \n")
saveRDS(sig_m6AQTLs_PermPass.df, paste0(dir_output, "/sig.m6AQTL.", phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.permutations.qvalue_0.2.rds"))

cat("Done. \n")

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/

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 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] workflowr_1.6.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.3        rprojroot_1.3-2   digest_0.6.23     later_1.0.0      
 [5] R6_2.4.1          backports_1.1.5   git2r_0.26.1.9000 magrittr_1.5     
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[13] promises_1.1.0    whisker_0.4       rmarkdown_2.1     tools_3.5.1      
[17] stringr_1.4.0     glue_1.3.1        httpuv_1.5.2      xfun_0.12        
[21] yaml_2.2.0        compiler_3.5.1    htmltools_0.4.0   knitr_1.28