Last updated: 2020-03-18

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Prepare SuSiE input files (individual level m6A data)

  • Prepare SuSiE input files with individual level m6A data for all peaks
  • source: m6AQTL_workflowr/analysis/prepare_susie_input_allPeaks.Rmd

get_genotype_dosage <- function(vcf_file, SNP_pos, iPeak){

  ## Helper function to convert genotype into dosage.
  .genoDosage <- function(x){
    return( stringr::str_count(x,"1") )

  SNP_chr <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(SNP_pos), ":"), "[[", 1)[1]
  SNP_pos_range <- range(as.integer(sapply(strsplit(as.character(SNP_pos), ":"), "[[", 2)))
  SNP_range <- data.frame(chr = SNP_chr, start = SNP_pos_range[1], end = SNP_pos_range[2])

  # tmpVcf <- tempfile(fileext = ".vcf.gz")
  # SNP_chr_pos_range <- paste0(SNP_range$chr, ":", SNP_range$start, "-", SNP_range$end)
  # system(paste("bcftools view -r", SNP_chr_pos_range, vcf_file, "-O z -o", tmpVcf))
  # geno.vcf <- try( read.vcfR(file = tmpVcf, verbose = F), silent = T)
  # unlink(tmpVcf) # remove the temp file to free space

  ## Use unix command line to accesss the genotype from vcf file. This is for fast data access.
  tmpVcf <- tempfile(fileext = ".vcf.gz")
  system(paste0("zcat ",vcf_file," | awk 'NR==1 {print $0} (/^#CHROM/){print $0} (!/^#/ && $2 >= ", SNP_range$start," && $2 <= ",SNP_range$end," ) {print $0}'| gzip > ",tmpVcf))
  geno.vcf <- try(  read.vcfR( file =tmpVcf, verbose = F ) , silent = T)

  ### This is to handle a wired error in the read.vcfR function. 
  if(class(geno.vcf) == "try-error"){
    system(paste0("zcat ",vcf_file," | awk '/^#/ {print $0} (!/^#/ && $2 >= ",SNP_range$start," && $2 <= ",SNP_range$end," ) {print $0}'| gzip >",tmpVcf))
    geno.vcf <- read.vcfR( file =tmpVcf, verbose = F )
  unlink(tmpVcf) # remove the temp file to free space.

  ## check if genotype available for this peak
  if( nrow(geno.vcf@fix) == 0 ){
    cat(paste("Warning:", iPeak, "no SNPs in vcf! \n"))

  if( nrow(geno.vcf@fix) > length(SNP_pos)){
    cat("Warning:", iPeak, "#SNPs in vcf > #SNP from summary stats! \n")
  }else if( nrow(geno.vcf@fix) < length(SNP_pos)){
    cat("Warning:", iPeak, "#SNPs in vcf < #SNP from summary stats!! \n")

  ## Get genotype as dosage format and filter for MAF
  if( unique(geno.vcf@gt[,"FORMAT"]) == "DS" ){
    ## Directly extract dosage
    geno <- if(nrow(geno.vcf@fix) == 1){
      t(apply(, element = 'DS' ),2,as.numeric ) )
      apply(, element = 'DS' ),2,as.numeric )
    # rownames(geno) <- geno.vcf@fix[,"ID"]
    rownames(geno) <- paste0(geno.vcf@fix[,"CHROM"], ":", geno.vcf@fix[,"POS"])
    ## filter out any genotype that has MAF<0.05
    MAF <- apply(geno,1,function(x) !any(table(round(x) )>0.95*ncol(geno)) )
    geno <- geno[MAF,]
    geno.vcf <- geno.vcf[MAF,]
  }else if(unique(geno.vcf@gt[,"FORMAT"]) == "GT"){
    geno.vcf <- geno.vcf[is.biallelic(geno.vcf),]
    ## get genotype as Dosage
    tmp_geno <-, element = 'GT' )
    geno <- t( apply( tmp_geno ,1, .genoDosage ) )
    colnames(geno) <- colnames(tmp_geno)
    rownames(geno) <- paste0(geno.vcf@fix[,"CHROM"], ":", geno.vcf@fix[,"POS"])
    ## filter out any genotype that has MAF<0.05
    MAF <- apply(geno,1,function(x) !any(table(x)>0.95*ncol(geno)) )
    geno <- geno[MAF,]
    geno.vcf <- geno.vcf[MAF,]
  if( nrow(geno) == 0 ){ return(NULL) } ## skip this iteration if no genotype left after filtering
  return(list(geno = geno, geno.vcf = geno.vcf))

### Load m6A-QTL full individual data
m6A_version <- "jointPeak_threshold5_MeRIP_HISAT2Map"
m6A_phenotype_name <- "m6APeak_logOR_GC.IP.adjusted_qqnorm"
num_PCs <- 15

dir_fineMapping <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fineMapping/", m6A_phenotype_name, "/m6AQTL_allPeaks")
dir.create(dir_fineMapping, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)

dir_genotype <- "/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/genotypes/hg19/YRI/sixtySample_hg19_201903"

dir_m6A_phenotype <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/peakcalling/", m6A_version, "/", m6A_phenotype_name)

cat("m6A_version:", m6A_version, "\n")
cat("m6A_phenotype_name:", m6A_phenotype_name, "\n")
cat("Directory of fine-mapping result:", dir_fineMapping, "\n")

dir_m6AQTL <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fastQTL_cis_100kb/", m6A_phenotype_name)

m6AQTL <- readRDS(paste0(dir_m6AQTL, "/m6AQTL.", m6A_phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.rds"))

m6A_phenotype <- read.table(paste0(dir_m6A_phenotype, "/", m6A_phenotype_name, ".fastQTL.txt.gz"), header = T, comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(m6A_phenotype)[1] <- "chr"

m6A_phenotype_matrix <- t(as.matrix(m6A_phenotype[, -c(1:4)]))
colnames(m6A_phenotype_matrix) <- m6A_phenotype$PEAK

PCs <- read.table(paste0(dir_m6A_phenotype, "/PCs/", num_PCs, "PCs.txt.gz"), header = T, comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = F)
PCs_matrix <- t(as.matrix(PCs[,-1]))
colnames(PCs_matrix) <- PCs[,1]

### Preparing Susie input data
m6AQTL_PEAKs <- unique(m6AQTL$PEAK)

cat("Prepare Susie input for", length(m6AQTL_PEAKs), "peaks. \n")

registerDoParallel(cores=min(15, detectCores()-1))

foreach( iPeak=m6AQTL_PEAKs, .combine = function(a,b){ NULL } ) %dopar% {
  cat("Peak: ",iPeak, "\n")

  peak_bed <- m6A_phenotype[m6A_phenotype$PEAK == iPeak, 1:4]
  peakStat <- dplyr::filter(m6AQTL, PEAK == iPeak)

  # phenotype vector: n x 1
  y <- m6A_phenotype_matrix[, iPeak]

  # genotype matrix: n x p, p: number of SNPs
  vcf_file <- paste0(dir_genotype, "/Imputed.sixty.hg19.", peak_bed$chr, ".vcf.gz")
  geno.l <- get_genotype_dosage(vcf_file, peakStat$SNP, iPeak)
  X <- t(as.matrix(geno.l$geno))
  ## sort individuals
  X <- X[names(y), ]
  PCs_matrix <- PCs_matrix[names(y), ]

  ## select common SNPs and sort SNPs
  SNP_order <- intersect(colnames(X), peakStat$SNP)
  X <- X[, match(SNP_order, colnames(X))]
  peakStat <- peakStat[match(SNP_order, peakStat$SNP), ]

  est <- peakStat[,c("SNP", "beta", "se", "pvalue")]

  dir.create(paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/INPUT/", iPeak), showWarnings = F, recursive = T)
  write.table(est, gzfile(paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/INPUT/", iPeak, "/m6AQTLs.est.txt.gz")), sep = "\t", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)
  saveRDS(list(X = X, y = y, PCs = PCs_matrix), file = paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/INPUT/", iPeak, "/m6AQTL_full_data.RDS"))


cat("Finished preparing susie input. \n")

## Check for any peaks without data
toFinish <- foreach( iPeak = m6AQTL_PEAKs, .combine = c )%dopar%{
  if( file.exists( paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/INPUT/", iPeak, "/m6AQTL_full_data.RDS") ) ){

cat("Peaks without data: \n")

Fine-mapping m6A-QTLs using SuSiE with individual level data

  • Fine-mapping m6AQTLs using SuSiE on m6A all peaks (L = 3, estimate prior variance)
  • source: m6AQTL_workflowr/analysis/susie_allPeaks_L3_estPriorVar.Rmd
# Fine-mapping m6AQTLs using SuSiE on m6A all peaks (L = 3, estimate prior variance)

m6A_version <- "jointPeak_threshold5_MeRIP_HISAT2Map"
m6A_phenotype_name <- "m6APeak_logOR_GC.IP.adjusted_qqnorm"
num_PCs <- 15
L_Susie <- 3
susie_setting <- "Susie_L3_estPriorVar"

dir_fineMapping <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fineMapping/", m6A_phenotype_name, "/m6AQTL_allPeaks")

dir_susie_output <- paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/", susie_setting)
dir.create(dir_susie_output, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)

num_cores <- min(15, detectCores() - 1)

cat("m6A_version:", m6A_version, "\n")
cat("m6A_phenotype_name:", m6A_phenotype_name, "\n")
cat("Susie setting:", susie_setting, "\n")
cat(num_PCs, "PCs included \n")
cat("Directory of SuSiE input data:", paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/INPUT/"), "\n")
cat("Directory of SuSiE output results:", dir_susie_output, "\n")

## Load m6AQTL summary statistics 
dir_m6AQTL <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fastQTL_cis_100kb/", m6A_phenotype_name)
m6AQTL <- readRDS(paste0(dir_m6AQTL, "/m6AQTL.", m6A_phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.rds"))
m6AQTL_PEAKs <- unique(m6AQTL$PEAK)

peak_map <- data.frame(peakName = paste0("Peak",1:length(m6AQTL_PEAKs)), peakID = m6AQTL_PEAKs, row.names = m6AQTL_PEAKs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

### check for peaks without individual data
cat(length(m6AQTL_PEAKs), "peaks \n")

toFinish <- foreach( iPeak = m6AQTL_PEAKs, .combine = c )%dopar%{
  if( file.exists( paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/INPUT/", iPeak, "/m6AQTL_full_data.RDS") ) ){

cat("Peaks without individual data: \n")

## Run Susie with and without prior, and save PVE and zscores
cat("Finemapping: ",length(peak_map$peakID), "peaks \n")
dir.create(paste0(dir_susie_output, "/Peaks/"), showWarnings = F, recursive = T)


res <- foreach( iPeak=peak_map$peakID )%dopar%{

  # cat(iPeak, "\r")
  data <- readRDS(paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/INPUT/", iPeak, "/m6AQTL_full_data.RDS"))
  # est <- read.table(gzfile(paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/INPUT/", iPeak, "/m6AQTLs.est.txt.gz")), sep = "\t")
  # colnames(est) <- c("SNP", "beta", "se", "pvalue")
  X <- data$X
  y <- data$y
  PCs <- data$PCs
  # covariate matrix: n x (k+1), including intercept
  Z <- cbind(intercept = 1, PCs)
  ######## removing covariates from X ########
  A <- crossprod(Z)
  # chol decomposition for (Z'Z)^(-1)
  R <- chol(solve(A))
  W <- R %*% t(Z) %*% X
  # Remove Covariates from X
  Xhat <- as.matrix(X - Z %*% crossprod(R,W))
  # LD
  R_LD <- cor(Xhat)
  ######## removing covariates from Y ########
  A <- crossprod(Z)
  SZy <- solve(A, drop(y %*% Z))
  yhat <- y - drop(Z %*% SZy)
  ## compute PVE
  reg <- susieR:::univariate_regression(Xhat, yhat)
  z_score <- reg$betahat/reg$sebetahat
  names(z_score) <- colnames(Xhat)
  top_idx <- which.max(abs(z_score))
  PVE <- var(Xhat[,top_idx] * reg$betahat[top_idx]) / var(yhat)
  cat(PVE, "\n")
  ## without prior (uniform prior)
  fitted_susie_noPrior <- susie(Xhat, yhat,
                                L = L_Susie,
                                prior_weights = NULL,
                                estimate_residual_variance = TRUE,
                                estimate_prior_variance = TRUE)
  #  susie_plot(fitted_susie_noPrior, y="PIP")
  ## RNA feature prior
  prior <- read.table( paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/linear_model/annotation/RNAannot.prior/",iPeak,".prior"))
  colnames(prior) <- c("SNP", "prior")
  rownames(prior) <- prior$SNP
  prior <- prior[colnames(Xhat),] ## match SNP order
  if(nrow(prior) != ncol(Xhat) | any(colnames(Xhat) != prior$SNP)){cat("check prior for:", iPeak, "! \n")}
  fitted_susie_RNAprior <- susie(Xhat, yhat,
                                 L = L_Susie,
                                 prior_weights = prior$prior,
                                 estimate_residual_variance = TRUE,
                                 estimate_prior_variance = TRUE)
  #  susie_plot(fitted_susie_RNAprior, y="PIP")
  ## Distance only prior
  prior <- read.table( paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/linear_model/annotation/DistanceOnly.prior/",iPeak,".prior"))
  colnames(prior) <- c("SNP", "prior")
  rownames(prior) <- prior$SNP
  prior <- prior[colnames(Xhat),] ## match SNP order
  if(nrow(prior) != ncol(Xhat) | any(colnames(Xhat) != prior$SNP)){cat("check prior for:", iPeak, "! \n")}
  fitted_susie_distPrior <- susie(Xhat, yhat,
                                  L = L_Susie,
                                  prior_weights = prior$prior,
                                  estimate_residual_variance = TRUE,
                                  estimate_prior_variance = TRUE)
  # susie_plot(fitted_susie_distPrior, y="PIP")
  SusieResult_peak = list(PEAK = as.character(iPeak),
                          z_score = z_score, 
                          PVE = PVE, 
                          fitted_susie_noPrior = fitted_susie_noPrior,
                          fitted_susie_RNAprior = fitted_susie_RNAprior,
                          fitted_susie_distPrior = fitted_susie_distPrior)
  # saveRDS(SusieResult_peak, file = paste0(dir_susie_output, "/Peaks/", peak_map[as.character(iPeak),"peakName"],".RDS") )


names(res) <- as.character(peak_map$peakID)
saveRDS(res, file = paste0(dir_susie_output, "/fitted_susie_allPeaks.RDS") )
saveRDS(peak_map, file = paste0(dir_susie_output, "/peak_map.RDS") )

cat("Done. \n")

### PVE for all peaks
PVE_all <- sapply(1:length(res), function(i) res[[i]]$PVE)

Combine SuSiE results for all peaks

  • SuSiE on m6A all peaks (L = 3, estimate prior variance)
  • source: m6AQTL_workflowr/analysis/combine_susie_results_allPeaks_L3.Rmd

## Combine peak results into full statistics for all peak-SNP pairs
combine_susie_results <- function(fitted_susie_allPeaks, peakIDs, m6AQTL, m6A_phenotype, num_cores = 5){
  SusieResult <- foreach( iPeak = peakIDs, .combine = rbind)%dopar%{
    SusieResult_peak <- fitted_susie_allPeaks[[iPeak]]
    Zscore <- SusieResult_peak$z_score
    SNP <- names(Zscore)
    if(susie_prior == "Susie_RNAfeature_prior"){
      fitted_susie <- SusieResult_peak$fitted_susie_RNAprior
      prior <- read.table( paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/linear_model/annotation/RNAannot.prior/",iPeak,".prior"))
      colnames(prior) <- c("SNP", "prior")
      rownames(prior) <- prior$SNP
      prior <- prior[SNP, "prior"] ## match SNP order
    }else if (susie_prior == "Susie_DistanceOnly_prior"){
      fitted_susie <- SusieResult_peak$fitted_susie_distPrior
      prior <- read.table( paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/linear_model/annotation/DistanceOnly.prior/",iPeak,".prior"))
      colnames(prior) <- c("SNP", "prior")
      rownames(prior) <- prior$SNP
      prior <- prior[SNP, "prior"] ## match SNP order
    }else if (susie_prior == "Susie_noPrior"){
      fitted_susie <- SusieResult_peak$fitted_susie_noPrior
      prior <- NA
      stop("please choose the correct susie_prior!")
    tmpOut <- data.frame(SNP = SNP, PEAK = iPeak, PIP = fitted_susie$pip, CS = NA, Zscore = Zscore, prior = prior)
    idx_inCS <- unlist(fitted_susie$sets$cs)
    if( !is.null(idx_inCS) ){ tmpOut$CS[idx_inCS] <- rep(names(fitted_susie$sets$cs),lapply(fitted_susie$sets$cs, length)) }
    tmpOut[order(tmpOut$PIP,decreasing = T),]
    # ## plot Susie result
    # b <- rep(0,length(Zscore))
    # b[which.max(abs(Zscore))] <- 1
    # susie_plot(fitted_susie, y="PIP", b = b, max_cs=0.4, main = paste('SuSiE CS purity:', paste(round(fitted_susie$sets$purity[,1],2), collapse=';')))
  matchId <- match(paste0(SusieResult$SNP,SusieResult$PEAK), paste0(m6AQTL$SNP,m6AQTL$PEAK))
  SusieResult$beta <- m6AQTL$beta[matchId]
  SusieResult$std.err <- m6AQTL$se[matchId]
  SusieResult$sdY <- NA
  for(iPeak in peakIDs){
    tmpY <- m6A_phenotype[match(iPeak, m6A_phenotype$PEAK), -c(1:4)]
    SusieResult$sdY[which(SusieResult$PEAK == iPeak )] <- sd(tmpY)

## settings
m6A_version <- "jointPeak_threshold5_MeRIP_HISAT2Map"
m6A_phenotype_name <- "m6APeak_logOR_GC.IP.adjusted_qqnorm"
num_PCs <- 15
L_Susie <- 3

dir_fineMapping <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fineMapping/", m6A_phenotype_name, "/m6AQTL_allPeaks")

num_cores <- min(6, detectCores() - 1)

cat("m6A_version:", m6A_version, "\n")
cat("m6A_phenotype_name:", m6A_phenotype_name, "\n")
cat(num_PCs, "PCs included \n")
cat("Directory of SuSiE results:", dir_fineMapping, "\n")
cat("L_Susie =", L_Susie, "\n")

## Load m6A-QTL data
dir_m6AQTL <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/data_shared/m6A_QTLs/", m6A_version, "/fastQTL_cis_100kb/", m6A_phenotype_name)
m6AQTL <- readRDS(paste0(dir_m6AQTL, "/m6AQTL.", m6A_phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.nominals.rds"))

m6AQTLs_PermPass <- readRDS(paste0(dir_m6AQTL, "/m6AQTL.", m6A_phenotype_name, ".", num_PCs, "PCs.fastQTL.permutations.rds"))
m6AQTLs_PermPass <- m6AQTLs_PermPass[!$qvalue), ]

dir_m6A_phenotype <- paste0("/project2/xinhe/m6A/m6A_seq/m6A_QTL/peakcalling/", m6A_version, "/", m6A_phenotype_name)

m6A_phenotype <- read.table(paste0(dir_m6A_phenotype, "/", m6A_phenotype_name, ".fastQTL.txt.gz"), header = T, comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(m6A_phenotype)[1] <- "chr"

## Susie estimated prior variance
### load Susie results for all peaks
susie_setting <- paste0("Susie_L", L_Susie, "_estPriorVar")


dir_susie_output <- paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/", susie_setting)

peak_map <- readRDS(paste0(dir_susie_output, "/peak_map.RDS") )
fitted_susie_allPeaks <- readRDS(paste0(dir_susie_output, "/fitted_susie_allPeaks.RDS") )

if(nrow(peak_map) != length(fitted_susie_allPeaks)){
  stop("unequal number of peaks \n")

### Combine peak results into full statistics for all peak-SNP pairs

#### without prior (uniform prior)
susie_prior <- "Susie_noPrior"
dir_output <- paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/", susie_setting, "/", susie_prior)
dir.create(dir_output, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)

for(thresh_qvalue_set in c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)){
  ePeaks_set <- as.character(m6AQTLs_PermPass[m6AQTLs_PermPass$qvalue < thresh_qvalue_set, "PEAK"])
  cat(length(ePeaks_set), "peaks with qvalue < ", thresh_qvalue_set, "\n")
  SusieResult <- combine_susie_results(fitted_susie_allPeaks, ePeaks_set, m6AQTL, m6A_phenotype, num_cores = num_cores)
  cat(length(unique(SusieResult[!$CS), "PEAK"])), "peaks have CS \n")
  saveRDS(SusieResult, file = paste0(dir_output, "/SusieResult_qvalue_", thresh_qvalue_set,".RDS"))


#### RNA feature prior
susie_prior <- "Susie_RNAfeature_prior"
dir_output <- paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/", susie_setting, "/", susie_prior)
dir.create(dir_output, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)

for(thresh_qvalue_set in c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)){
  ePeaks_set <- as.character(m6AQTLs_PermPass[m6AQTLs_PermPass$qvalue < thresh_qvalue_set, "PEAK"])
  cat(length(ePeaks_set), "peaks with qvalue < ", thresh_qvalue_set, "\n")
  SusieResult <- combine_susie_results(fitted_susie_allPeaks, ePeaks_set, m6AQTL, m6A_phenotype, num_cores = num_cores)
  cat(length(unique(SusieResult[!$CS), "PEAK"])), "peaks have CS \n")
  saveRDS(SusieResult, file = paste0(dir_output, "/SusieResult_qvalue_", thresh_qvalue_set,".RDS"))


#### Distance only prior
susie_prior <- "Susie_DistanceOnly_prior"
dir_output <- paste0(dir_fineMapping, "/", susie_setting, "/", susie_prior)
dir.create(dir_output, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)

for(thresh_qvalue_set in c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)){
  ePeaks_set <- as.character(m6AQTLs_PermPass[m6AQTLs_PermPass$qvalue < thresh_qvalue_set, "PEAK"])
  cat(length(ePeaks_set), "peaks with qvalue < ", thresh_qvalue_set, "\n")
  SusieResult <- combine_susie_results(fitted_susie_allPeaks, ePeaks_set, m6AQTL, m6A_phenotype, num_cores = num_cores)
  cat(length(unique(SusieResult[!$CS), "PEAK"])), "peaks have CS \n")
  saveRDS(SusieResult, file = paste0(dir_output, "/SusieResult_qvalue_", thresh_qvalue_set,".RDS"))


R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] workflowr_1.6.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.3        rprojroot_1.3-2   digest_0.6.23     later_1.0.0      
 [5] R6_2.4.1          backports_1.1.5   git2r_0.26.1.9000 magrittr_1.5     
 [9] evaluate_0.14     stringi_1.4.5     rlang_0.4.4       fs_1.3.1         
[13] promises_1.1.0    whisker_0.4       rmarkdown_2.1     tools_3.5.1      
[17] stringr_1.4.0     glue_1.3.1        httpuv_1.5.2      xfun_0.12        
[21] yaml_2.2.0        compiler_3.5.1    htmltools_0.4.0   knitr_1.28